The List

#1 Exchange to the US.
#2 Finish this list.
#3 Read all of F. Scott Fitzgeralds books.
#4 Go to Disneyland.
#5 See the Golden Gate Bridge.

#6 Meet a celebrity. (Liam from 1D, 2013)
#7 Go to Hollywood.
#8 Skip school.
#9 Go horseriding.
#10 Karaoke bar.
#11 Hula hoop for two minutes straight.
#12 Watch the entire Star Wars saga back to back.
#13 Read the entire works of Shakespeare.
#14 Pet a monkey.
#15 Be silent for an entire day.
#16 Ride a tandem bike (successfully).
#17 Travel to Turkey. (June 2010)
#18 Celebrate thanksgiving (addition to #1).
#19 Get my drivers license.
#20 Celebrate Christmas in the US (addition to #1).
#21 Go out on a date.
#22 Go to Prom (addition to #1).
#23 Halloween in the US. (October 2010)
#24 Visit New York. (May 11th - June 11th, 2016, and it was magical.)
#25 Kiss a stranger.
#26 Go to a really great concert. (Imagine Dragons, summer 2014)
#27 Go to Winter Formal.
#28 Travel to Chicago. (May 2016)
#29 Get straight A’s. (Fall 2010)
#30 Improve my cooking skills.
#31 Travel to Rome.
#32 Learn the Pledge of Alliance. (July 2010)
#33 Learn to speak English fluently.
#34 Be a “Russ”
#35 Get a job (a good one).
#36 Wear a dress to school.
#37 Live in L.A or New York or Chicago.
#38 Go on holiday to Hawaii.
#39 Have a awesome 18th birthday.
#40 Have a memorable summer of 2010. (Summer 2010)
#41 Move out.
#42 Watch all the Lord of the Rings movies back to back. (Christmas 2015)
#43 Go on vacation to the Bahamas.
#44 Starbucks for the first time. (August 2010)
#45 Go river rafting.
#46 Visit Canada.
#47 Go to the state turnament. (Volleyball - 2010)
#48 Walk through a drive-through.
#49 Go for a ride in a hot air balloon.
#50 Crash a Prom.
#51 Say Goodbye At An Airport. (July 2010)
#52 Mentos + Coke = Boom!
#53 Ride a Horse on a Beach.
#54 Knit a scarf.
#55 Knit a sweater.
#56 Run around the supermarket crouched down singing the mission impossible theme.
#57 Move a wet floor sign to a carpeted area.
#58 Spend a day in a wheelchair.
#59 Learn sign language.
#60 Annoy someone in a elevator or on a airplane.
#61 Randomly break out in song during school.
#62 Ride a motorcycle.
#63 Jump into a sports car (like they do in the movies!)
#64 Say everything that comes to your mind for a day.
#65 Ride an elephant whilst on a Safari.
#66 See the northern lights.
#67 Climb the great pyramid of Egypt.
#68 Walk on the Great Wall of China.
#69 Cross the country on a bicycle.
#70 Use a cheesy pick up line until it works.
#71 Get funny colored contacts.
#72 Get a tattoo.
#73 Eat Belgium chocolate in Belgium.
#74 Read 1,000 books.
#75 Eat pizza in Italy.
#76 Go one year without fast food.
#77 Take a self defense class (Karate, 2001 - 2006)
#78 Crowd surf at a rock concert.
#79 Sleep outdoors on a hammock.
#80 Play paintball.
#81 Actually keep a New Years resolution.
#82 Watch "17 Again" 17 times. (6 times so far)
#83 Watch the sun rise and set on the same day.
#84 Spend the whole day going to places you haven’t gone to before and then find your way home after.
#85 Stand in your garden under heavy downpour and make yourself a small mud puddle (just like when you were a toddler).
#86 Read a whole volume of the encyclopedia.
#87 Learn to play golf.
#88 Jump in a taxi and scream “Follow that car!” like in those movies.
#89 Sing “Nobody” by Wondergirls really loud in the middle of the road while doing the dance.
#90 Attend at least one major sporting event: the Super Bowl, the Olympics, the U.S. Open.
#91 Throw a huge party and invite every one of your friends.
#92 Swim with a dolphin.
#93 Have your portrait painted.
#94 Learn to speak a foreign language and make sure you use it. (English class since first grade - 1999)
#95 Go skinny-dipping at midnight.
#96 Go to the Pulpit Rock (Prekestolen, Summer 2015)
#97 Be an extra in a movie.
#98 Tell someone the story of your life.
#99 Buy a round-the-world air ticket and a rucksack, and run away.
#100 Send a message in a bottle.
#101 Be a member of the audience in a TV show. (2014)
#102 Ride a camel into the desert.
#103 Plant a tree. (With grandpa before he passed away)
#104 Visit the Senate and the House of Representatives to see how Congress really works.
#105 Learn to ballroom dance properly.
#106 Fall deeply in love — helplessly and unconditionally.
#107 Write the novel you know you have inside you. ( progress)
#108 Stay out all night dancing and go to work the next day without having gone home (just once).
#109 Shower in a waterfall.
#110 Learn to play a musical instrument with some degree of skill.(Fall 2000 - Summer 2007The Flute)
#111 See a lunar eclipse.
#112 Sing a great song in front of an audience.
#113 Ask someone you’ve only just met to go on a date.
#114 Drive across America from coast to coast.
#115 Make a complete and utter fool of yourself.
#116 Sleep under the stars.
#117 Spend a whole day reading a great novel.

#118 Learn to juggle.
#119 Find a job you love.
#120 Spend Christmas on the beach drinking pina coladas.
#121 Buy your own house and then spend time making it into exactly what you want.
#122 Overcome your fear of failure.
#123 Drive a convertible with the top down and music blaring.
#124 Learn to use a microphone and give a speech in public.
#125 Accept yourself for who you are.
#126 Spend three months getting your body into optimum shape.
#127 Attend one really huge rock concert.
#128 Give to a charity. (2014, - project for awesome)
#129 Catch a ball in the stands of a major league baseball stadium.
#130 Make a hole-in-one.
#131 Run a marathon.
#132 Look into your child’s eyes, see yourself, and smile.
#133 Reflect on your greatest weakness, and realize how it is your greatest strength.
#134 Learn to bartend.
#135 Create your Family Tree.
#136 Set foot on each of the seven continents.
#137 Visit a “real” blues bar.
#138 Travel India by train.
#139 Cross a country using only public transportation.
#140 Visit every capital city in Europe.
#141 Kiss in the rain.
#142 See a shooting star; & make a wish.
#143 Bury a time capsule.
#144 Leave someone a love note.
#145 Sing in the rain.
#146 Ding dong ditch.
#147 Build a giant sand castle.
#148 Play hide & seek in IKEA.
#149 Write down your goals and then do something about them.
#150 Release an Album.
#151 Win an Award.
#152 Fly First Class.
#153 Make someone cry of happiness.
#154 Have a coffee on the sidewalk in Paris.
#155 Visit ground Zero.
#156 Visit 25 nations. (11 ao far)
#157 Visit all 50 states in the US. (11 of 50)
#158 Visit Mount Rushmore.
#159 Helicopter over the Grand Canyon.
#160 Swim a long distance. (12. July - 2010)
#161 Go to a drive-in movie theater.
#162 Sleep a night in a snow fort.
#163 Swim across a large lake.
#164 Ride a rollarcoaster. (six flags, 2011)
#165 Have a meaningful conversation with a beggar.
#166 Hit a home run.
#167 Adopt an accent for an entire day.
#168 Fire a gun.
#169 Take a long road trip with friends.
#170 Have your picture in the newspaper.
#171 Do 100 push-ups in a row.
#172 Climb a tall tree all the way to the top.
#173 Yell “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” in a crowded area.
#174 Learn to say the alphabet backwards really, really fast.
#175 Meet someone you met over the Internet in real life.
#176 Vote.
#177 See a solar eclipse.
#178 Use another religious worldview for a whole day.
#179 Practice meditation.
#180 Shower in the rain.
#181 Converse with a parrot.
#182 Learn to skateboard.
#183 Donate blood.
#184 Own an exotic pet.
#185 Donate hair to a cancer organization.
#186 Learn to write with the opposite hand you usually write with.
#187 Swim in a fountain.
#188 Write your will.
#189 Sleep in a tree.
#190 Tell someone what you really think of them.
#191 Finish a 1000 piece puzzle.
#192 Ride a bike in Wal-mart.
#193 Fall asleep on a bed in a mattress store.
#194 Try on a wedding dress, just cause.
#195 Ride in a limo/limo service.
#196 Go fishing out on a lake.
#197 Perform a song on-stage.
#198 Test drive a sports car.
#199 Learn to play piano.
#200 Discover the meaning of life.
#201 Learn to roller skate.
#202 Go to a funeral (R.I.P Grandpa - November 2007)
#203 Stop eating meat for a whole year (again).
#204 Dye my hair (2006 - Blond2009 - Dark brown)
#205 Bury an animal (R.I.P Bella - May 28th 2010)
#206 Built a snowman 
#207 Visit Paris. (december, 2012)
#208 Get married.
#209 Visit the 7 ancient wonders of the world.
#210 Visit Finland.
#211 Become really active in at least one charity.
#212 Watch the sunrise from a mountain top.
#213 Start a Bed & Breakfast with a friend.
#214 Learn how to do a cartwheel.
#215 See a killer whale up close - in the wild.
#216 Watch all the James Bond movies.
#217 Sing along in a music store.
#218 Live without a cellphone for a week.
#219 Go on a holiday without any luggage.
#220 Play a practical joke on someone.
#221 Spend a week at sea.
#222 Learn to surf.
#223 Make your own pasta.
#224 Build a tree house.
#225 Make a baby laugh.
#226 Write a letter to your future children and grandchildren.
#227 Smile at 100 strangers.
#228 Keep a journal for a whole year.
#229 Knit mittens.
#230 Cook an amazing three course dinner.

#231 Go to university. (University of Roehampton, 2012-2015)
#232 Get a bachlor in English Literature.
#233 Visit New Orleans.
#234 Knit socks.
#235 Visit all the capitol cities in Europe.
#236 Finish reading all the books on the Rory Gilmore Reading List
#237 Go on a spontaneous holiday.
#238 Graduate wearing a cap and gown. (July 2015)
#239 Write down the stories your grandparents tell you.
#240 Read all the books in your “Life’s Library”.
#241 Buy your own apartment or house.
#242 Live alone for at least a year.
#243 Travel and see the world by yourself.


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